

JMap Server NG is a fork of the first generation of JMap NG that was the official JMap Server web client up until JMap Server Kathmandu.

JMap Server NG is the official NG Client for JMap Server Lima and above. JMap Server NG is only compatible with JMap Server. All JMap Cloud capabilities of JMap Server NG have been removed after the fork from JMap NG (first generation).

v2.0.35 (Lima)

Features and improvements ✨

  • New method added in user service

    • new API method: JMap.User.isSystemUser()

  • Add support for the uuid() default value fonction in forms

  • In forms, make the “submit” button always visible and give visual feedback after validation instead of disabling the button

  • Added projection property to the map's redux state

  • let the user choose between EPSG:4326 (Lat-Lon) and the project’s CRS for the mapInfo widget coordinates

  • Support more projections when doing geographic re-projections. Some breaking changes are related to this, see below.

  • Added new NG startup option reportsBaseUrl

  • Add support for Google Maps base maps via the Google Maps Tiles API

    • new API method: JMap.Map.Basemap.isGoogleMapsId()

    • new startup option: googleMapsApiKey

  • In Dynamic layer filters, show a dropdown for properties that have unique values in their statistics

    • new API method: JMap.Layer.getLayerAttributesWithStatistics(layerId) (returns attributes with their unique values if available)

  • Support snapping on layer elements in all draw environments (feature creation, measures, annotations)

    • New API methods:

      • JMap.Feature.getByLayerId(layerId, bbox) (retrieves features from a layer)

      • JMap.Application.Annotation.setSnapEnabled(enabled)

      • JMap.Application.Annotation.setSnapLayerId(layerId)

      • JMap.Application.Geometry.setSnapEnabled(enabled)

      • JMap.Application.Geometry.setSnapLayerId(layerId)

      • JMap.Application.Measure.setSnapEnabled(enabled)

      • JMap.Application.Measure.setSnapLayerId(layerId)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • The category for null values doesn’t appear in the dynamic legend

  • Photos named with accentuated characters cannot be added in a form

  • Error while updating a dynamic layer filter, passing from “is null” or “is not null” operator to “between” or “not between” operator

  • Error while updating dynamic layer filter, passing from "equal to/not equal to" to other operators

  • Unable to save a form if a not required child list component of a parent-child lists configuration is left empty

  • Lists of individual values in layer dynamic filters should be naturally sorted ASC

  • ngExtent url startup param is not working anymore

  • Unable to create an element if we don't have "ADD Data" permission on DB Form

  • various bugs for subform creation while editing a new element that is not yet created

Breaking changes

  • Removed conditional logic in JMap Server NG for switching between JMap Cloud and JMap Server

    • Removed API methods:

      • JMap.Server.getType()

      • JMap.Server.isSaas()

      • JMap.Server.isLegacy()

      • JMap.User.loginIntoOrganization()

    • Modified API methods:

    • removed/renamed/modified types/enums/interfaces:



      • JServerSaasService

      • JServerSaasServiceById

      • JJMapCloudPasswordPolicyCompliance

      • JJMapServerPasswordPolicyCompliance renamed to JJMapPasswordPolicyCompliance

      • removed refreshToken from JTokenInfo

  • New CRS support refactoring:

    • Modified API methods:

      • JMap.Layer.getEPSG4326Extent() is not asynchronous anymore

      • JMap.Map.displayLayerExtent() is not asynchronous anymore

      • JMap.Projection.reprojectLocation() is now asynchronous

      • JMap.Projection.reprojectBoundaryBox() is now asynchronous

    • Removed API methods:

      • JMap.Map.isLayerRendered() has been removed

      • JMap.Map.getLayersVisibilityStatus() has been removed

      • JMap.Map.getLayersVisibilityStatusAsArray() has been removed

      • JMap.Map.getRenderedJMapLayerIds() has been removed

Dernière mise à jour

K2 Geospatial 2024