Deployment: Classical JMap applications

Deploying a JMap application consists of preparing the application and putting it online so it can be accessed by users. You must select the desired options (application type, activated extensions, access controls, etc.) to customize the application according to your needs. To allow a user to open a deployed JMap application, simply give the user the application URL.

Deployed JMap applications are placed online in the web server integrated to JMap Server. They can also be copied manually to other web servers.

The Deployed Applications section of Deployment displays the table of already deployed applications along with buttons to manage them and to create a new deployment.

Creating a new deployment

To create a new deployment, click on Create button in the Deployed applications section. Some parameters will be common to all types of applications. The following tables describe these parameters.


Application type

There are four types of JMap Server applications. Each type of application has different features that are adapted to different needs. Custom application templates can also be added; these can be variants of the types offered by default. JMap Pro applications: This type of JMap application offers advanced functionality. It requires more IT resources, and a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed (Java is no longer required if you use the new deployment mode with an installation program). JMap Web applications: This type of JMap application is lighter and you can run it from a web browser or a mobile web browser. It doesn’t offer as many advanced features as JMap Pro applications. This type of application is replaced by JMap NG. WFS Service: This type of application is a vector data web service destined to provide data to third-party applications through the Web Feature Service standard protocol. WMS Service: This type of application is a web service for the production of map images. It is destined to provide maps to third-party applications using the Web Mapping Service standard protocol.



Enter a name for the new deployed application. Names must be unique. The name can contain spaces and any other characters.


Select the deployment type, either local or external. Local: The application service will be deployed directly in JMap Server. External: Select this option for applications that must be deployed on a web server that is external to JMap Server. The application service will not be deployed in JMap Server. Instead, a .war file will be created. This file must be copied onto the external web server. To download it, press Download REST service in Deployment.


The protocol to be used for communication between the JMap application and JMap Server. Select https for secure communication. If the HTTPS protocol is not configured in JMap Server, this option is not available. For more information on using the HTTPS protocol, refer to the Using HTTPS with JMap section.

Application host

The host name or IP address that will be included in the URL of the deployed application. If your server has several IP addresses, specify the one that must be used. If you have selected the External deployment type, make sure you enter the name or address of the external web server where the application will be deployed.

Application port

The TCP/IP port used in the URL of the deployed application.

Relative path

The path used in the URL of the deployed application, taken from the name given to the application.

The following steps depend on the type of application you selected. Refer to the following sections: JMap Pro Applications, JMap Web Applications and WFS and WMS Services.

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