Creating Spatial Data Sources

To begin creating a new spatial data source, go to the Spatial data section and click on Create. Certain parameters are common to all data sources, while others are specific to each type of data source.



Enter a name for the new spatial data source.

The name must be unique.


Select the type of data source that matches the type of the data to read.

All supported data source types are shown in the list.

You can also search the list by typing a few letters in the search field.


Optionally enter a description for the new spatial data source.

This description can only be viewed by the JMap administrator.

The next configuration steps will depend on the data source type you selected. For more information on configuring a specific type of spatial data source, refer to the appropriate section in this manual.


The projection of the data source must be selected to match the projection of the data. If this parameter is not set correctly, the data displayed may be invalid.


Original projection

The projection or spatial coordinate system of the data in the data source.

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