Configuring Projects
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The configuration interface of a project allows you to access information on the project. This interface also contains functions to configure various parameters, such as the initial view of the project in the applications.
The project sections are organized into tabs: Layers and Layer Groups, Queries, Image Producer and the configuration interfaces of JMap extensions compatible with JMap NG or JMap Survey.
General information configured when creating the project.
Project settings. The project’s parameters. They are configured when the project is created. The project’s extent corresponds to the extent of the layers that make up the project. When the project does not have any layers, the values are equal to 0.
Extensions. This section presents the list of JMap extensions configured for the project. The switch next to the name of each extension enables or disables the extension in the JMap NG and JMap Survey applications which publish the project. The JMap extensions compatible with JMap NG or JMap Survey section provides more details on this topic.
References. This section indicates the deployed applications that use this project.
This section allows you to synchronize/share the project with JMap Cloud.
Layers. This section shows a list of the project layers and their statuses. Shortcuts allow you to access the interfaces to add and organize layers.
These buttons allow you to delete the project, access permissions or edit it.
The project preview provides a preview of the map, in which you can test the configurations made as they work in JMap Server applications.
JMap Server Lima does not provide a JMap Pro preview of your project. The function of this preview is replaced by the Administration extension displayed when creating a JMap Pro application. The JMap Pro Applications section provides details of this extension.
It opens a JMap Web application in a new browser window.
The preview offers most of the functionality of JMap Web applications and allows you to validate the project’s configuration.
The JMap Web preview does not allow data editing. Data editing can be done in a JMap Web type application.
It opens a JMap NG application in a new browser window.
The preview offers most of the features of JMap NG applications and allows you to validate the project configuration.
The JMap NG preview does not allow data editing. Data editing can be done in a JMap NG type application.
Initial view settings. These parameters are specified when the project is created. The initial view is defined by clicking on in the Preview section. By default, the initial view corresponds to the extent of the project. When the project does not have any layers, the values are equal to 0.
Mapbox cache. This section presents the size of the cache for the project’s vector tiles. It also indicates if you want to automatically delete the cache of the vector tiles. You can clear the cache by clicking on .
Preview. This section displays when the project contains at least one layer. It shows a map preview, and you can zoom in or out on it. Click on to open a JMap Web Preview or a JMap NG Preview in a separate window in which you can define the initial view and test the project configurations. You can select a base map for the JMap Web preview: None, OpenStreetMaps, Mapbox maps, and Bing maps, if they are available for your organization.
JMap Web preview also allows you to configure the initial view of the project when it is opened in JMap Web applications. To do this, click on and then on Initial extent. A rectangle displays to delimit the initial extent.
Click on Maximum extent to display the maximum extent. When you close the preview, the geographic coordinates of the initial extent are automatically saved.