Searching for Documents

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can search for documents in the different depots using forms and keywords. You do not need to select layer elements to do so.

  1. 1




    You must indicate if your search includes the documents linked to the map elements that are displayed or selected (if you have selected elements).


  2. Enter the parameters of your search.

  3. Click on Search to launch your search. The Search result window opens.


    The parameters of the search.


    The name of the document depot. More than one depot can be open, based on the documents identified by the search. More than a research can be open.


    The fields in the table correspond to the metadata of the documents listed in the rows. The metadata is configured by the JMap administrator for each document depot.


    Information on the number of documents found, listed, and selected, is displayed in the header of the table.


    This button allows you to zoom to elements of selected rows.


    This button allows you to highlight elements of selected rows.


    This button opens the document in the application defined by default. You can also open the document by double-clicking on its row. The document is saved in a temporary directory. You can only open one document at once using this method.


    This button allows you to download the document. You can select and download several documents at once; the set of documents will be saved in .zip format in the directory of your choice.


    This button allows you to export the list of documents to an Excel spreadsheet.


    This button allows you to filter the documents based on the values of each metadata element.

  4. Click on a document in the table to select it. Specific functions will be enabled.


    Clicking on the row of a document will select it.


    This pop-up menu will open when you right-click on the document. It offers features to work with the document.

  5. Click on Document information in the pop-up menu to access the document’s metadata. The Document information window opens. It contains two tabs: Document info and Associations.


    Document info tab.



    The file name of the document.


    A description of the document may be provided. You can modify it if you have the appropriate permissions.


    The Associations tab displays the map elements associated with the document. It also allows you to delete and add associations, if you have the appropriate permissions to do so.


    Check the boxes to select all the elements associated with the document, or uncheck them to unselect them.



    Each element is identified by its unique identifier, its spatial data source, and the layer it belongs to. Double-click on the element to centre it in the map and make it blink. To be deleted from the association, the map element must be selected by checking the box.


    You can delete the document’s association with the selected map element(s).


    You can associate the document with other map elements.

  6. Click on Associate to associate new map elements with the document. The Associations updatewindow displays. This window is similar to the elements explorer in JMap Pro.


    Each tab corresponds to a layer containing selected map elements.


    Information on the number of map elements selected and the number of layers they belong to.


    These tools allow you to sort map elements, centre a specific element in the map, and export elements to an Excel spreadsheet. These tools are similar to those of JMap Pro’s elements explorer.


    Available features: add associations containing the selected elements to the existing associations, or replace existing associations with the associations containing the selected elements.

  7. Right-click on a document to open the pop-up menu.

  8. Click on Show on the map to centre the elements associated with the selected document in the map. The elements blink for easy viewing.

  9. Right-click on a document to open the pop-up menu.

  10. Click on Copy Value. The value of the metadata you clicked on (in the column where you clicked) is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted to documents of various formats.

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K2 Geospatial 2024