Managing Deployed Applications

Once you have deployed applications, you can perform certain management tasks on them from the Deployed Applications interface of the Deployed section.

Loading and unloading applications

If you want to temporarily make a deployed application unavailable, you simply need to unload it by selecting it in the list and pressing Unload. When an application is unloaded, users can no longer start it using its URL.

If you want to make it available again, simply press Load to reload it.

Editing an existing application

Editing an existing application allows you to go through all configuration sections again and change any options as needed.

Double-click on the application’s name and select Edit.

Clone an existing application

Select an application to duplicate it.

Updating applications

Updating a deployed application means deploying it again, overwriting the existing version. This is equivalent to editing an existing application and keeping all the same options.

You do not need to update deployed applications when the data or the project changes.


If you select a deployment in the Deployed Applications table, you can access the Permissions section. You can also access it from the application configuration interface.

Permissions section has two tabs: Permissions and Owners. The owners are the only ones who can manage the administrative permissions for the deployment, manage the list of owners and delete it.

Deplyments have only administrator permissions.

Administrate deployment

Allows an administrator to modify the deployment.

Downloading applications

If an application’s type is External, you can download that application’s .war file in order to deploy it on another web server.

In the application configuration interface, press Download.

For more information on external applications, see this section.

Deleting applications

Deleting an existing deployed application deletes all files related to this application. There is no way to undelete an application (you need to redeploy it).

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