
The style of a layer determines the graphical representation of its spatial elements on the map. For example, the style of a line is determined by its thickness, color, dash pattern, etc. In JMap, each layer can have multiple styles. The style used depends on several factors.

Different styles can be configured for different scales. For example, a layer can have a single style for all scales while another layer can have one style for scales greater than 1:20000 and another style for scales smaller than or equal to 1:20000.

Layers also have selection styles. These styles are used to display selected elements at different scales. The selection styles are generated automatically from the layer styles but they can be customized for each layer.

The presence of thematics on a layer will override the layer styles.

When a thematic is active on a layer, the style of each element is determined by the value of its attributes and the thematic's parameters. See Thematics for more information.

As of JMap Server Jakarta, polygon layers with three-dimensional representation are supported in JMap NG applications. This representation of a third dimension is called an extrusion, and it can be configured when defining the style of the layer. The Extrusion section explains the details of this configuration.

Managing layer styles

You can define one or more styles for a layer.

If there are many styles, each one will be used within a certain range of scales.

By default, one style exists for each layer and it covers the full possible scale range.

The Style tab in the layer configuration interface allows you to manage the layer's styles.

To add a new style, press Add. In the style configuration interface, you must define the maximum scale from which the new style will be used. Its minimum scale will automatically be set to infinity or to the maximum scale of the next style.

To remove a style, select it from the list and press Delete.

The greater scale style cannot be deleted.

When deleting styles, the remaining styles will be adjusted to cover the full possible scale range.

Once you have configured one or more styles, you can click on Create template (located to the right of each style) to create a new style template from one of the layer's styles. The style template will automatically be linked to the layer. See Style Templates for more information.

JMap Pro users can change the style of layers and save their changes by creating cartographic contexts. These contexts can be shared with other users and made public to all users who access the application.

JMap Web and JMap NG users can save a map by creating a customized map.

When the JMap administrator modifies the style of a layer, the JMap Pro, JMap Web and JMap NG users working with contexts may not be able to view the style changes made by the JMap administrator. To force the update of the layer style in the contexts, click on Force update... (located to the right of each style). By doing so, the style changes will be reflected in all the contexts of JMap Pro applications and in all the customized JMap Web and JMap NG maps that contain the layer.

Creating or Modifying a style

You have the option to use an existing style template or to configure your own style. If you want to use a style template, click on Use a style template. You will then choose to refer to it or to copy it.

If no style template is used, you need to configure the parameters that will define the style. Start selecting Default style.

Style configuration interfaces are different depending on the type of element (points, lines, polygons, text, etc.). Some style parameters are common to many element types but others are specific to certain types.

Antialiasing is a method of representing perfect, continuous vectors on imperfect, discontinuous display devices so that they look as perfect as possible. In every style configuration section in JMap Admin, antialiasing is enabled by default, which improves the appearance of your maps. However, display performances are reduced when antialiasing is enabled, so use it judiciously.

The following figure shows an example of a polygon border with antialiasing (left) and without antialiasing (right).

Partial object transparency can be used for every type of map element. A map element with a transparency value of 0% will be completely opaque while one with a 100% value will be invisible.

The following figure shows an example of a polygon with a transparency value of 50% (left) and one with a transparency value of 10% (right).

Styles for points

Styles for lines

Styles for polygons

Styles for annotations

Styles for images

Selection style

There is a selection style for each style of the layer. The selection styles are used to represent the elements when they are selected on the map. By default, the selection styles are generated automatically using the layer's basic styles and the project's default selection color.

To modify the selection style, unselect the Generate from default style option and adjust the style parameters as needed.


The style of polygonal layers allows you to configure a three-dimensional representation of the polygons.

In the configuration interface for the layer's style parameters, under the Extrusion section, check Enabled to enable extrusion in JMap NG applications. This function is disabled by default.

Click on Configure to open the extrusion configuration window.

Click on Delete to delete the extrusion configuration.


In addition to configuring the style of a layer, you can also create graphical representations to analyze the distribution of point data.


Clustering, as its name implies, creates clusters of points on the screen. Special symbols are used to graphically represent these clusters on the map and display the number of elements they contain.

Heat maps

Heat maps are used to graphically represent the concentration distributions of a type of object or event on the territory. The more the color of a zone is intense, the more the concentration is high.

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K2 Geospatial 2024