Resources: Style Templates

Style templates are predefined styles that can be reused across many projects and layers. They help save time because a style can be configured once but used at many places. Style templates also help create standardized maps.

Once a style template is configured, it can be used in every place a style is needed (layer styles, selection styles, thematics, etc.).

A style template can be used as a reference or as a copy. When used as a reference, if the style template is modified, all layers that refer to it will also use the modified style. When used as a copy, the style is detached from the style template and can be modified independently thereafter.

Style templates are associated with only one type of map element (point, line, polygon, etc.) and cannot be used for other types of elements.

The Style Templates section in Resources displays a table that shows the templates configured in the server. In this section you can create a new template, access the configuration interface of a template by clicking on its name, and manage the templates you select in the table.

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