Dernière mise à jour
Dernière mise à jour
This section of JMap Admin shows the extensions that are installed in the server. The table displays the extension name, its type, class, version and a switch to enable or disable the extension. Disabled extensions do not process queries.
JMap Server extensions add new functionality on the server side. They can include their own configuration interfaces, which are integrated to JMap Admin. Simply click on the name of a server extension to access its configuration interface.
Extensions can also be reinitialized by pressing the Reinitialize button. In this case, they are stopped and restarted, which can be useful if an extension must read configuration files that have been modified, for instance.
This type of extension has permissions.
Administrator permissions for Server type extensions define the administration rights of the extension by users authorized to use JMap Admin.
The Permissions section has two tabs: Permissions and Owners. The owners are the only ones who can manage the administrative permissions for the extension, manage the list of owners and delete it.
A list of users and groups with permissions appears in the Permissions tab. Click on to add new users or groups.
Available users and groups are configured in the JMap Server section of JMap Admin. Refer to the section for more information about managing users in JMap Server.
This extension type add functionality to JMap Pro applications.
Generally, an extension adds a new toolbar or new menu items to an application.
This extension type add functionality to JMap Web applications.
Using the application deployment tool, you can select the extensions that will be included in a JMap Pro application. Refer to the section for more details on this topic.
Since JMap NG and JMap Survey applications do not deploy, it is at the project and layer level that some of the extensions need to be configured. The sections and provide details on how to configure these extensions.
Administrate extension
Allows an administrator to access the extension’s configuration sections and modify the settings.