Organizing Layers

There are two aspects to organizing layers in a project:

  • Order of appearance of the layers on the map. Layers at lower positions are drawn first and layers at higher positions are drawn at the end. Top layers can hide elements of bottom layers.

  • Logical hierarchy based on the nature of the layers. In other words, groups and subgroups of layers that have a logical relationship. For example, there could be a group of layers related to roads, another to hydrography, and another to census. Organizing them in groups makes it easier for the users to work with layers.

You can set the layer order in the Layers tab and the layer hierarchy in the Layer groups tab of the project configuration interface.

In both tabs you can grant permissions to selected layers. The Layer Permissions section provides details about the permissions.

Ordering layers

To order layers of a project, open the tab titled List. This section presents the layers in their order of appearance on the map. The lowest position is the first layer to be drawn on the map.

To change the order, you must use the Modify menu located at the top of the column displaying the position of each layer. You can also select one or more layers and move them using the available options (Move up, Move down, Move at…, etc.). The option Reorder layers opens a window displaying all the layers that you can reorder using drag-and-drop actions.

Grouping layers

To organize layers in groups, open the tab Layer groups. This section presents the current hierarchy of layers.

By default, all layers of the project are in one unique group called Layers.

To create a new group, press Create group. Fill the layer group parameters as described below:

Once groups have been created, you can move layers towards these groups using the Modify menu located at the top of the column displaying the position of each layer.

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K2 Geospatial 2024