
The style determines the graphical representation of elements on the map. This section allows you to modify the style of a layer's elements.

There is a specific interface for each type of element (point, line, polygon, text, image, etc.) but several settings are common to all types. You can also define multiple styles for the same layer; each style is then used for a specific range of scales. Lastly, you can modify the style of selected elements on a layer.

The following interface displays existing styles for a layer.

General style properties

Some style properties are available for most types of elements.

Antialiasing is a method of representing perfect, continuous vectors on imperfect, discontinuous display devices so that they look as perfect as possible. In every style configuration section of JMap, you can enable antialiasing. This will result in better looking maps. However, display performances are reduced when antialiasing is enabled, so use it judiciously.

The following figure shows an example of a polygon border with antialiasing (left) and without antialiasing (right).

Partial object transparency can be used for every type of map element. A map element with a transparency value of 0% will be completely opaque, while one with a value of 100% will be invisible.

The following figure shows an example of a polygon with a transparency value of 50% (left) and one with a transparency value of 10% (right).

The blinking function makes layer elements blink on the screen. This property is not normally used for all of a layer's data but rather for a subgroup of elements with a thematic.

Style properties for a layer of points

Style properties for a layer of lines

Style properties for a layer of polygons

Style properties for annotation (text) layers

Style properties for a layer of images

Only partial transparency may be adjusted for image layers.

Selection style

Each layer possesses a selection style. Selection styles are used to represent elements when they are selected on the map. By default, the selection style is automatically generated using the layer's basic styles and the project's default selection color.

To modify the selection style, select Override selection style and press the Edit... button.

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K2 Geospatial 2024